Get Inspired
Learn more about our revolutionary approach to education through our recommended readings and informative videos.
Do you think Acton Upstate might be a good fit for your family? If so, check out the videos below and select a few titles from our reading list. All materials inspire us, and highlight important aspects of the Acton philosophy.
- Courage to Grow: How Acton Academy Turns Learning Upside Down, Laura Sandefer
- Unschooling Rules, Clark Aldrich
- Punished by Rewards: The Trouble with Gold Stars, Incentive Plans, A’s, Praise, and Other Bribes, Alfie Kohn
- It’s OK Not to Share and Other Renegade Rules for Raising Competent and Compassionate Learners, Heather Shumaker
- NutureShock: New Thinking About Children, Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman
- Your Child’s Strengths: A Guide for Parents and Teachers, Jennifer Fox
- Mastery, Robert Greene
- Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, Carol Dweck
- “Education Entrepreneur Is Remaking Education at All Levels,” Real Clear Radio Hour with Bill Frezza
- The One World Schoolhouse, Salman Khan
- Market Education: The Unknown History, Andrew J. Coulson